I am very thankful to the authors of this fine book. The foreward by RC Sproul Jr. resounded with me - that many homeschoolers have fumbled when asked about the "college" thing - including myself.
I truthfully had not wanted to think about college for my kids, because I thought we could never afford it and I was not excited about sending my kids off to an environment that I knew would be negative for them.
I read this book and Accelerated Distance Learning at the same time (I bought them both from Global Learning Strategies.)
While the ADL book was very practical, and overwhelming at times, this book helped me see the big picture of a homeschool family using these principles to see their students through college - and it was more specific in it's practicality. While ADL exploded my vision of my kid's education, CWC refined it. Where were these books 20 years ago?
All the years of youth ministry I spent agonizing about the students I loved and cared for (and attempted to teach and disciple for the Lord) as they spritually withered away at college are bitter memories for me. I will be giving this book as a gift to all those I care about.
What a blessing it is that not only homeschool students but anyone can now receive a great education for a reasonable price in the best way possible - at home at your own pace.
I recommend this book to anyone!
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