Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Theology of Fear

I was actually able to go to Glendale this morning for church. Jeff did a great sermon today about fear, based on this verse:

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

So this is a timely message, with so much fear running amuck in people's hearts and minds. The economy creates fear - the woeful government creates fear, what doesn't in this day and age? I fear for my children's future - not that they have to have lots of money and stuff, but they are going to become adults in a very ungodly world that is bordering on the national socialism that created so much fear in so many parts of the world in the last century.

I was interested in one of Jeff's key points, that one way to fear God and God alone is to give your reputation to God. Allow Him to be bigger and more awe-inspiring than those around you. Jenette has a book that she has been reading called "When People are Big and God is Small." (By Ed Welch, if I remember right.) I haven't read much of the book, but I love the title. I know I have spent a lot of my waking hours thinking about how to impress people and how to keep up with those around me. I have feared people more than I have feared God. Or, at least, I at times have entrusted myself more to the judgment of others rather than the judgment of God.

Through Christ, God judges me as righteous - His precious child. "Whom then shall I fear?" asks the song.

I made some notes to myself as I listened to the sermon. When I give God my reputation, I need to not only give over my fear of what others think about me, but I also need to give over my fear of offending people when I do what is right. It seems kind of stupid to be worried about offending people by doing what is right, but I worry about that. In fact, I think I fear people worrying about me more than I fear what they think about me.

I need to do what is right - live by the conviction that I am following God to the best of my ability. I need to project nothing to others but humble submission to God. I have occasionally had criticism for some of the decisions that I have made for our family. But not only do I not have to explain myself to anyone, I don't have have to fear their offense.

I gave up a long time ago trying to be "cool" enough to fit "in" to any kind of group. I need to finish that by giving up trying to walk on eggshells around those who are easily offended.

So, just to open a can of worms here, there are many (at least some) who think that we are dumber than a bag of hammers to have eight children - and not just to have eight children, but to not actively practice birth control. I have my story on that, but I will keep that between Jenette and I and the Lord. Those who have been critical have been hurtful because of what they meant to me.

I spent a lot of days worrying that other people would worry about us. That has been a foolish venture. The fact is that the Scripture says that children are a blessing from God. Why would I not want to have God's blessings? And why would anyone be offended by that? I don't know. I posted another blog post several months ago about the football player who had "John 3:16" on his eye black. People were offended by that - greatly offended by the love of God. Why? I guess because people's hearts are hard.

So, this is one small area among so many that I have feared people more than I have feared God. One of my favorite parts of Psalm 34 is verse 7:

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

I like that a lot - I want the angel of the Lord to be encamped around me. The petty opinions of people will seem pretty small in comparison to that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If I had victory over worry and fear, I would be a different man, and my world would be so different. More like God's plan. More like I wish it would be. Does this church have a website with downloadable sermons?
