Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sabbath days

Ok, so it's been a few days since I have blogged, so if anyone thinks I fell off the edge of the planet for a while, I am proclaiming my return to the blunderblog. Blogging is something that I greatly enjoy - it's somewhat therapeutic - but I kind of have to be in a certain mode to blog. That mode is usually reflective and many times somewhat melancholy - I guess that's why many of my postings are deep and usually dark. At least, I think so, but I haven't gone back and read everything I have written in the last few years recently, either.

So I am sitting here watching a printer spit out 2000 camp newsletters, thinking about this, that, and the other thing, so it is a splendid time to blog.

First of all, the summer camp sessions were finished over a week ago, but I had the opportunity to represent the camp at two different VBS programs. One in the morning in Springfield, and one in the evening in Joplin. Even though it was a hectic and tiring week, I greatly enjoyed being a part of both VBS's. At the Northside VBS, they asked me to be a part of a lesson where I was Pharoah and all the kids were the plagues. I think they greatly enjoyed abusing Pharoah.

As for summer camp, it was another awesome experience. I like camp because all the adults who come (for the most part) are there because they want to be there. They are willing to serve and to show God's love to the campers and to others. I don't know the official number yet, but I am guessing that there were around 500 adults throughout the summer. When they come and volunteer at the camp, and they serve God and invest themselves in the kids, you truly get to see the best of the Church. It is amazing what God's people can do when they are willing servants.

Church people spend too much time majoring in the minors, and too much time minoring in the majors. I would like to call all my Christian friends and family - anyone who is listening, to get rid of all the petty bickering and whining and griping that is so destructive, and to be servants in their churches.

I have been convicted recently that I need to do more than I am doing to advance God's Kingdom and to help others understand God's truth. I have already begun part of that journey as I am teaching for a few weeks to the youth group on Sunday nights.

I am also going to attempt a new direction with leading a small group - I'll write more about that another time, but that is also part of my conviction.

These days after camp is over for the summer are always a hard transition for me. I am eager to get back into a routine, but I am bummed out that the excited, eager servants of God are all gone for now from the camp.

But I can see the big picture better than I could the last few years. In many ways, I feel like every day serving at MBC is better than the day before. Like Penny said, we know we are growing because we have a new set of better problems. I am actually looking forward to the fall and winter, because I can see a better vision this year of my role in my family, the camp, and the church.

Although I have enjoyed several Sabbath days or rest throughout the summer, the days that I have advanced God's kingdom the most are the days that give me the most energy.

I turned 40 last week - and I feel like I am just beginning. I guess that's a good thing!


1 comment:

Jenette said...

Hey, you, where are the blogs???