Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Remember Movie

Remember is a movie that may go down as one of the best sci fi stories ever made. Some reviewers will say stuff about it's low budget. I don't really care about that. This is just a really good story. The acting and  the visual effects are very good, but the story itself is outstanding. 

Having said that, this is an ambitious project with a small budget that has resulted in a powerful movie. I won't give a synopsis of the story, as that can be found on the movie website. I encourage every family to buy this movie and support these independent Christian filmmakers. I especially like the scene where Carl and Wendy are talking to each other and they both hesitantly figure out that they have both stopped taking the memory block meds. The music is powerful and majestic. 

How amazing it is that independent Christian filmmakers can make a film of this qualtity that is sci-fi? I don't remember anything quite like this before, and I hope it will encourage other filmmakers to take on projects like this.

Thank you Moviemakers for a job well done. 

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