So Jonathan has been into photography lately. He has been taking pictures at Church for the Christmas program and he has really enjoyed it. He took this picture of a squirrel in our front yard - its a pretty good picture considering the subject and the photographer. We have been feeding a tremendous amount of squirrels and birds lately - I guess it's the weather. There were nine of them out there this morning with twice as many birds there at once. They come in, eat all day, then leave. They fight and quarrel and fuss with each other. They push to get ahead of all the others and they don't want to share. I watched a squirrel eating sunflower seeds from our bird feeder chase a nuthatch away from one side of the feeder while another nuthatch or chickadee came to the other side. The squirrel must have chased 5 or 6 birds away before he gave up. We have really enjoyed watching the birds and the squirrels. It's funny how they are kind of like people - they are extremely selfish, they eat like hogs, and they don't want to share, They run when they shouldn't be afraid and they stay right there when danger comes along. Most importantly, they don't realize that there is someone watching them. They don't know or care that I am trying to feed them. They are impatient, indecisive, and always hovering on the brink of disaster. I am amazed to think that God knows even when a sparrow dies (Matt. 10:29). How many tiny birds die every single hour? How can God have that much awareness and wisdom? We had a bird crash into our window and die with a loud "clunk" a few weeks ago. Was that God's plan? Matthew 10:29 says it was clearly. I don't understand that, but in many ways. Maybe His glory is magnified by our considering that we aren't that different from them, and we are desperately in need of God to take care of us. Just like birds. And squirrels.
Did I mention that people are also "squirrelly?"
"Consider the birds of the air...." Matthew 6:26. (Squirrels too.)
Did I mention that people are also "squirrelly?"
"Consider the birds of the air...." Matthew 6:26. (Squirrels too.)
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