My latest read - another great example about how God uses ordinary but faithful people to bring glory to Him. Everyone asks us if we have seen this family on TV - of course, only having 8 kids makes our family look, well, small in comparison. This book was a bit of a family history - I guess I would have liked to see it go a little deeper, but I liked the overview. I would really like to meet Jim Bob Duggar some day - just to talk about life and the importance of obedience. This family has taken lots of hits - lots of negative stuff. It's amazing how much vitriol one Godly family can produce. And isn't it great that the Discovery Channel is the one sending out their message? I pray that I will have the faith and obedience of Mr. Duggar.
I got this book for Christmas. It was a good reading. I read it within 24 hours. It answers a lot of questions that many people have of this wonderful family.
I had to look up the word vitriol!
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