Friday, April 29, 2005

More on "Christian Happy Talk"

Here's a follow up by Brannon Howse about "Christian Happy Talk." As you will read in this article, the popularity in Christian circles of not talking about the "S" word is horrific. Psychology is the religion we worship at the idol of self.

If you want to get me started on how destructive and anti-God the influence of modern secular psychology is, we might be here a while. Has no one ever considered that the Bible is the best and greatest textbook on human psychology that there is?

The Bible tells who we really are. We are sinners and rebels against a holy God - that ain't happy talk, but it is reality. We need to see ourselves the way God sees us. The "self-esteem" message is dangerous, sinful, anti-Bible and anti-God.

Be careful who you listen to - not every idea that calls itself "Christian" is from God!

The heart is deceitful above all things & beyond cure. Who can understand it? -Jeremiah 17:9

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