Monday, April 04, 2005

What the Bible Says About Parenting Class

Click here for the first lesson. (Actually, it's the first two lessons - because I didn't get finished last Sunday!) If you read all of it, you will know what is coming for this coming Sunday.

If you don't have the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader, you'll need to get that here. Acrobat reader will enable you to read the document (and any PDF file)

This link takes you to the Glendale Christian Church website where I keep my teaching stuff. (I also have the same link on the sidebar.)

Feel free to read through the lesson and add your comments! Email me or click on the "add comment" button under the posting if you have questions.

Thanks to Alan Davis for helping me accomplish all this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your lesson is read by many--I really believe there are too many parents who don't get the priorities right. When I read the full Barna report, I was so saddened to learn that so many "Christians" do not even see tha salvation of their children as a priority. Our children's salvation days were some of the happiest of our entire lives! I sometimes wonder if Barna should change the "qualification" of those he labels as born-again. Since the respondents were not specifically asked if they were born again. Maybe he should ask things like, "Do you love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength?" "Do you seek to obey ALL the Lord's commandments in everything you do?" I don't think we can accurately label ourselves as Christians unless we do these basic things. If we don't teach our children moral absolutes, they will assimilate the "no absolutes" cultural norm into their lives, leading to declaration of the self as god through that downward spiral described in Romans. It reminds me of the Unitarian message (on Battlefield)I read as I drove by. It said something like: "Faith that requires authority is not faith at all." My heart grieves for those who see and begin to agree with that message, as well as those on the inside who are so misguided. I NEED God's authority to base my faith upon, or faith makes no sense at all. Thank you for your heart for children and families, and for undertaking this crucial lesson series!